Living on Mars?
Read more…: Living on Mars?I don’t know if I could stomach living on another planet that doesn’t have an oxygen-rich atmosphere like our own. Hell, I’m afraid to get on an airplane, I couldn’t imagine a spaceship. Maybe a valium or three for the trip. So I asked X.com’s Grok about what Elon Musk’s vision is for colonozing Mars,…
The real state of “artificial intelligence”
Read more…: The real state of “artificial intelligence”I’m hearing people sing the praises of “AI” services like ChatCGP and Grok2. Tech companies, including my own employer, are pushing this idea that their products contain “artificial ingelligence”. It’s the new marketing buzzword. I’m a systems engineer and I help manage hundreds of servers. They’re nothing inherently intelligent about any of them. They’re just…
Joe Biden has more class than I thought
Read more…: Joe Biden has more class than I thoughtIn politics, it’s easy to criticize the opposition but I have always lived by a simple rule: give credit whenever it’s due. Joe Biden has (so far) accepted the landslide Trump win and has been quite gracious in the early transfer-of-power. I was pleasantly surprised when I heard that Biden warned Iran that a threat…
TRUMP 2024
Read more…: TRUMP 2024I feel like a kid on Christmas morning. A second Trump term is truly a gift from God. Here’s to 4 years of greatness and preparing JD Vance to be our NEXT president!
Please ban unsolicited political text messaging
Read more…: Please ban unsolicited political text messagingNever again will I give my phone number to a political campaign. Truth be told, it’s too late. I’ve had the same phone number for 20 years and I don’t intend to change it. However, all the political text messages make it tempting. Political text messages have always been annoying but this year, it’s worse…
Forget the past and the future, embrace the now
Read more…: Forget the past and the future, embrace the nowAs the stoic philosophers taught, I can do nothing about the past and my influence on the future is minimal. All I can fathom is the present. Time is so fleeting. It’s a crime that the youth never seem to realize this, taking for granted that they’ll wake up the next day to do it…
Sometimes it’s not what you know but how you know it
Read more…: Sometimes it’s not what you know but how you know itAlthough I’ve been monkeying with computers since i was a tike, I didn’t make a career out of it until I was in my mid-40s when I graduated from college with a degree in computer information systems. One thing they didn’t teach me was basic troubleshooting, which is probably one of the most basic skills…
The Godfather
Read more…: The GodfatherWhat a movie. I know, I’ve been alive long enough that I should have seen it decades ago. I think I did, but I was so drunk at the time that I didn’t remember any of it. As a rabid Sopranos fan, I decided it was time to sit down and watch all three. It…
Therapists are failing our children
Read more…: Therapists are failing our childrenI was watching a YouTube lecture the other day given by a phychiatrist who claimed to be one of only ten physicians in the country who are willing to see and prescribe for… potential (and active) sex offenders. We all know there are people living among us who do terrible things to children and we…
Where have all the gargoyles gone?
Read more…: Where have all the gargoyles gone?Modern architecture is so boring, I hate it. When I first moved to Dallas, TX in 2004, it was my first real exposure to a big city. I loved the downtown skyline. I’m also a student of WWII and I enjoy watching old war footage. One thing that strikes me about those old films is…
My long journey to Fedora
Read more…: My long journey to FedoraIn 2011, I gave Ubuntu a try. I didn’t care for the Gnome GUI but I did like KDE and XFCE. I started using Xubuntu as my daily driver and in 2013, I kissed Windows 7 goodbye for the last time as I deleted its partition and never looked back. The more I experimented and…
I met the devil in Heaven
Read more…: I met the devil in HeavenI arrived in Heaven just yesterday. I think it goes without saying that I was amazed, dumbfounded by everything I saw and heard on that first day. The flowers, the angels, my ancestors, everything was quite surreal. The strangest moment was when I met a man from Germany named Adolph. I was a student of…
ruby and python – why all this versioning nonsense?
Read more…: ruby and python – why all this versioning nonsense?I like the ruby and python programming languages because of their simplicity. Sometimes it feels like I’m cheating, with all those built-in functions. But there is one terrible flaw to both of these – versioning. My software is versioned, but my programming language should be stable. I shouldn’t have to juggle multiple versions of Ruby…
Apple says “adios” to developers with new CPUs
Read more…: Apple says “adios” to developers with new CPUsI’ve never understood the appeal of Apple Macbooks as a developer platform. Sure, it’s “Linux-like” in some respects with it’s BSD kernel. It’s often chosen by developers because of these similarities. As for me, I’d rather use a real Linux machine. All of my PCs and servers run some flavor of Ubuntu (I prefer KDE)….
“What does a girl have to do to go to bed with you?”
Read more…: “What does a girl have to do to go to bed with you?”“Try knocking on the door.” – Harry Callahan – Magnum Force