• Kick Google out of Firefox

    One of the first steps you can make in kicking Google out of your life is to use a browser like Firefox, Safari, Brave, Opera, or any other you can find. As an engineer who spends a lot of time on the Linux command line, I actually like to use the all-text Lynx from time…

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  • Does the Quran promote violence?

      Read some of this, especially the verses, and tell me again how Islam is a “peaceful religion” and worships the same God as us Christians and Jews. Their’s is the world’s ONLY religion that teaches to kill it’s aherents to murder non-believers. It’s no wonder the “moderate muslims” are complacent and allow the cancer…

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  • The Bill of NO Rights

    I found this passage so compelling, I gave it a special page on my site just for this. The wisdom in the following is profound. Print it out and pass it on! The following was written by State Representative Mitchell from Cobb County, GA. We, the sensible people of the United States, in an attempt…

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  • Googlisms

    Google does two things very well: search (which they’re now ruining) and maps. They talk a lot about how “innovative” they are, yet they’ve failed to come up with anything new since Maps. Me-too projects like Sheets and Docs don’t count. There’s nothing really new or revolutionary about half-baked and bug-ridden garbage like Hangouts, Chrome,…

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  • Are communists achieving the goals they set in 1963?

      Let’s see how successful they’ve been so far. Source: NewsMax, 2003. There are plenty of others. Use your favorite search engine to verify it if you wish. 1. U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war. 2. U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war. 3. Develop the illusion…

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  • Build a wall to save Mexico

    A wall on the southern border (along with patrols, of course) could be the  best thing to ever happen to Mexico. By us taking in millions of their impoverished, they never have to change their ways. What we’re doing now is called enabling. Just like the alcoholic’s spouse who isconstantly cleaning up the other’s messes….

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  • People still don’t want self-driving cars

    This probably won’t stop companies like Google, Uber, and Tesla from throwing shareholders money away by developing technologies no one wants (like Google Glass and touch-screen computers), but self-driving cars are a myth altogether. I’ve long argued that self-driving cars would appeal to people who cannot drive due to a physical disability. Fantastic, let’s build…

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