Where have all the gargoyles gone?

Modern architecture is so boring, I hate it. When I first moved to Dallas, TX in 2004, it was my first real exposure to a big city. I loved the downtown skyline. I’m also a student of WWII and I enjoy watching old war footage. One thing that strikes me about those old films is the architecture. Buildings used to be a work of art. Now they’re just covered in glass panels that will decapitate anyone nearby in the event of a tornado.

Where have all the gargoyles gone? Whatever happened to decorating buildings to make them look nice? Maybe I just hate some aspects of modernity but I think it’s sad that our building craftsmen seem to no longer take pride in their work. Nowadays, it’s just a matter of buying to cheapest materials you can get away with and hiring a bunch of illegal immigrants to do the grunt work. Sure, some are legal, but do you see any of them up there on a scaffold with a hammer and chisel?

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